Author(s): Semyonov Alexander Vyacheslavovich, Zhiltsov Sergey Sergeevich, Zonn Igor Sergeevich, Kostyanoy Andrey Gennadievich
Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics
Release: 2014-5 (8)
Pages: 3-13
Keywords: geopolitics, Arctic, Russia, the international legal status
Annotation: The article discusses the evolution of approaches of the Arctic states to the definition of the international legal status of the Arctic. For a long time the parties' positions were determined by technical and technological possibilities of development of hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic and the development of navigation. Because of opening up new opportunities for access to the Arctic Ocean the geopolitical situation in the Arctic Region has changed, which attracts attention of many countries. Under these conditions Russia is forced to change its policy in the Arctic, the situation in which the long-term interests directly affects
Bibliography: Semyonov AL.VY., Zhiltsov SE.SE., Zonn IG.SE., Kostyanoy AN.GE. ARCTIC GEOPOLITICS AND RUSSIA'S INTERESTS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2014. – № 5 (8). – С. 3-13. doi: