Author(s): Pavlov Andrey Ivanovich
Release: 2015-4 (12)
Pages: 96-100
Keywords: data, big data, complexity, methods of processing, photogrammetry, surveying, information technology
Annotation: This article describes the problem of «big data» in the photogrammetry and geodesy. This article describes the causes and factors that lead to the emergence of big data. The article compares the big data and traditional data. The article shows that the problem of large data depends on large amounts of data. The article shows that the problem of large data depends also on fuzzy information, information model complexity and demands high processing speed. The analysis tools used in the processing of big data
Bibliography: Pavlov AN.IV. BIG DATA PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND GEODESY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № . – С. 96-100. doi: