Author(s): Bolbakov Roman Gennadievich
Rubric: Information technology
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-30-35
Release: 2017-1 (18)
Pages: 30-35
Keywords: data, big data, information volume, computing speed, a variety of data processing methods, complexity, computational resources, analysis
Annotation: The article analyzes the problem of «big data» in the field of information sciences. The article describes the causes of the problem and the factors that led to its emergence. The article describes the comparison of large data and normal data. The article shows that the problem of large data is not only large amounts of data collections. Important factors are large data: time constraints on data processing and analysis, as well as increase the complexity of the information models and information collection. This article describes the methodological and algorithmic tools that apply when processing large data in information sciences
Bibliography: Bolbakov RO.GE. BIG DATA IN INFORMATION SCIENCES // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 1 (18). – С. 30-35. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-30-35