Author(s): Cheremisinov Dmitry Ivanovich
Rubric: Methodological research
Release: 2016-2 (14)
Pages: 379-386
Keywords: formal language parser, regular expression, Kleene algebra, finite automaton, deterministic semantic of regular expression
Annotation: The problem of conversion of formal language texts is of considerable practical importance for software reengineering and for the software integration. Pattern matching is technique of searching a text string based on a specific search pattern. The pattern specified by regular expression forms the basis for building a variety of converters. It is proposed to change the traditional model of the language parser by pattern matching based on the finite state machine into the algebra of patterns with side effects. The proposed deterministic semantic of regular expression eliminates the need to switch from the regular expression engine and user code execution environment and back again
Bibliography: Cheremisinov DM.IV. THE DETERMINISTIC SEMANTIC OF THE REGULAR EXPRESSIONS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 2 (14). – С. 379-386. doi: