Author(s): Andreev Alexander Fedorovich

Rubric: Globalistics

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-2-103-109

Release: 2016-2 (17)

Pages: 103-109

Keywords: management, state, contradictions, politics, theory, liberal, the laws of war, fight, elite

Annotation: The article presents brief analysis of the fundamental concepts of management and shows their dependence on the economic base, and the laws of armed struggle. Defined by the contradictions in management, formulated the need for the formation of a new managerial elite and the replacement of stolen ideas on national theoretical heritage provided a critical synthesis of the two directions

Bibliography: Andreev AL.FE. ECONOMIC ROOTS OF TERRORISM // Economics and Management. – 2016. – № 2 (17). – С. 103-109. doi: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-2-103-109

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