Author(s): Vitrenko N.M.

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2020-4-17-30

Release: 2020-4 (26)

Pages: 17-30

Keywords: the court of nations, the ideology of Nazism, the principle of inevitability of punishment, collaborators, Euromaidan, neo-Nazi parties, the glorification of Nazi military formations

Annotation: The article analyzes the consequences of the trial of war criminals of Nazi Germany, reflects the creation on its basis of a legitimate international legal framework in the fight against crimes against humanity, gives a negative assessment of the actions of the CPSU Central Committee in their refusal to judge Hitler’s accomplices on the territory of Ukraine and the desire for interethnic peace and cultivation of friendship and suppression of the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists. The author substantiates the relationship between the unfinished judging of the Nazis based on the results of the Nuremberg trials and the activation of neo-Nazi movements currently on the territory of Ukraine, reflects both direct assistance and connivance of the Ukrainian authorities in the glorification of war criminals and nationalist parties during the Second World War, a reassessment of facts and events in world history, and the significance of the Soviet people in the victory over Nazi Germany. The court process is described in detail, taking into account all the courts passed on the recognition of unconstitutional acts of the President of Ukraine concerning the celebration of Ukrainian Nazis, the policy of double standards pursued by the ECHR is noted, it is concluded that Nazism is the official ideology of the current Ukrainian state.

Bibliography: Vitrenko N.M. EUROPEAN AND UKRAINIAN JUSTICE AGAINST THE PEOPLE’S COURT – NUREMBERG INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2020. – № 4 (26). – С. 17-30. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2020-4-17-30

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