Author(s): Lavrent’eva A.A.

Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-46-55

Release: 2024-4 (49)

Pages: 46-55

Keywords: labor potential, professional self-determination, vocational education, career guidance networking, continuing education

Annotation: The article examines theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of “labor potential” and various interpretations of this term. It also characterizes vocational education as a fundamental component of human labor potential. It is shown that the key factor influencing a person’s labor potential is his professional self- determination, formed at the stage of education. Based on the results of sociological research among students of Vologda State University, the features of students’ professional self-determination and their work behavior were determined. The main methods of research on this topic were a questionnaire survey, interviews with experts and focus groups. As a result of the analysis, the problem of insufficient professional self-determination of students was identified, which further affects the state of the labor market due to the undeveloped labor potential of the employee. In conclusion, the implementation of the concept of continuing education and the system of career guidance networking is presented as one of the solutions to the problem of undeveloped human labor potential.

Bibliography: Lavrent’eva A.A. THE FORMING OF HUMAN LABOR POTENTIAL THROUGH THE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2024. – № 4 (49). – С. 46-55. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-4-46-55

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