Author(s): Golovetsky NikolayYakovlevich, Grebenik Viktor Vasilievich
Rubric: Economy
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-21-26
Release: 2017-4 (23)
Pages: 21-26
Keywords: economy of joint consumption, cashing, start-up, barter, rent, joint resources, moderation, digital economy.
Annotation: This article is devoted to the topic of joint consumption and its importance for changing the approach to economics and project management in the Internet industry and services. The authors consider the conse-quences of shared economy. On the one hand, joint consumption should reduce the demand for durable goods. On the other hand, joint consumption should increase the demand for these products. The authors conclude that the share economy strengthens competition - and, as the history of the devel-opment of market relations shows, redistribution of economic benefits in favor of consumers should be expected. They argue that one of the main obstacles to the development of social capital in our country is the degradation of the political system, the lack of competition, the total nationalization of the economy, the paternalization of society and the inhibition of the formation of civil society. And yet the specificity of Russian reality is that the economy of joint consumption has the potential for significant growth.
Bibliography: Golovetsky NI., Grebenik VI.VA. FUNDAMENTAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE ECONOMY OF JOINT CONSUMPTION // Economics and Management. – 2017. – № 4 (23). – С. 21-26. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-21-26