Author(s): Zaitseva Olga Viktorovna

Release: 2015-1 (9)

Pages: 132-137

Keywords: education, geoinformatics, statistics, geostatistics, simulation, visualization, geodata, the principles of geostatistics, education management

Annotation: The article describes a new scientific direction – geostatistics. Article shows the relationship geostatistics with the scientific picture of the world. It is shown that as the direction of the applied geostatistics provides a mechanism for investigation and management of the education system. Studied aspect of the application of geostatistics in education. It is shown that geostatistics creates information fields that bind together the disparate spatial objects of the same quality. especially geostatistics. It is displaying geostatistics in education reflects the trend of education informatization.

Bibliography: Zaitseva OL.VI. GEOSTATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN EDUCATION // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 1 (9). – С. 132-137. doi:

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