Author(s): Kazeev Igor Mikhailovich

Rubric: Mathematical cybernetics

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-69-74

Release: 2020-1 (30)

Pages: 69-74

Keywords: simulation modelling, logistics optimization, algorithms, operative management

Annotation: The article deals with the optimization of the transport logistics system, investigated by statistical modeling methods. The purpose of the research conducted on the proposed simulation model was to obtain “output” quantitative characteristics of the process when changing the “input” parameters. As a result of model experiments provided information on the behavior of the system, particularly important at the design stage: estimation of efficiency of algorithms of the control system and the nature of the impact of changes in different input parameters on the output parameters of the system. Algorithms and models are proposed that use estimates of the performance of the transport and technological complex to estimate the total losses from transport downtime in queues for service when changing the input parameters of the transport logistics system. The application of the dynamic programming method to develop a computational method for optimal distribution of vehicles by loading points is considered. Using a specific example, we consider the effectiveness of the proposed simulation approach for managing the transport logistics system.

Bibliography: Kazeev IG.MI. SIMULATION MODELING TRANSPORT AND TECHNOLOGICAL COMPLEX // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2020. – № 1 (30). – С. 69-74. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-1-69-74

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