Author(s): Vasyutinskaya Stanislava Igorevna

DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-14-20

Release: 2016-4 (16)

Pages: 14-20

Keywords: education, information, education, technology, information asymmetry; location information, communication, qualitative analysis

Annotation: The article analyzes the types of information asymmetry in the field of education. The article reveals the contents of the information asymmetry: to inform, on information exchange, on information interaction, information on the situation. This article describes methods of evaluation of asymmetry for different conditions and situations. The article shows examples of occurrence of asymmetry in education and the negative consequences of its occurrence. The article gives recommendations to address the information asymmetry

Bibliography: Vasyutinskaya ST.IG. INFORMATION ASYMMETRY IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 4 (16). – С. 14-20. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-14-20

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