Author(s): Rozenberg I.N.

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-69-77

Release: 2017-3 (20)

Pages: 69-77

Keywords: General theory of systems, modeling, models, information situation, complex system, structure

Annotation: The article describes a new approach to the information situation model. The article describes the types of information situations. The article analyzes structural models of complex systems. The article analyzes structural models of information situations. Paper shows the similarity and difference between structural models of a complex system and information situation. Paper compares models of information situations and models of complex systems. Paper concludes that it is possible to use a model of a complex system to describe the information situation. Paper concludes that it is possible to apply the theory of systems to study the information situation model.

Bibliography: Rozenberg I.N. INFORMATION SITUATION AS COMPLEX SYSTEM // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 3 (20). – С. 69-77. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-69-77

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