Author(s): Bondur Valery Grigorievich

Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics

DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-3-79-88

Release: 2016-3 (15)

Pages: 79-88

Keywords: space research, modeling, information design, spatial model, stratification, models, system analysis

Annotation: The article examines the information structure used in remote sensing. The article shows the diversity of models used in space exploration. The article shows that the information structure is a generalization of the models. The article shows that the information structure occupies an intermediate state between the conceptual model and the application model. Information construction generalizes the methods of analysis and modeling. Information design makes interdisciplinary knowledge transfer

Bibliography: Bondur VA.GR. INFORMATION CONSTRUCTIONS IN SPACE RESEARCH // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № . – С. 79-88. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-3-79-88

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