Author(s): Savinykh Viktor Petrovich

Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-109-121

Release: 2016-1 (13)

Pages: 109-121

Keywords: remote research, applied geoinformatics, simulation, models, spatial models, stratification, in-formation visualization

Annotation: This article describes the model used in remote sensing. The article shows the system of the world. The article reveals the importance of information in the field of space research. The article gives a taxonomy of models used in space exploration. This article describes the requirements for the models used in the remote studies. The article reveals the contents of the important properties of models such as interpretability, structural, reflection, following. The article discloses a technique stratification model. This article describes the visual modeling as a mandatory component in space and remote sensing research

Bibliography: Savinykh VI.PE. INFORMATION MODELS BY REMOTE SENSING OF EATH // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 1 (13). – С. 109-121. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-109-121

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