Author(s): Mayorov Andrey Alexandrovich

Rubric: Information technology

Release: 2015-1 (9)

Pages: 66-73

Keywords: information, information resources, information objects, categories, analysis, systematization, typing

Annotation: The article analyzes the content of the information objects in the information field. It describes the characteristics of the information field. The article analyzes the nature of information objects. Article typifies information objects. It describes the qualitative heterogeneity used concepts. The paper recommends the narrow definition of the term «information object» by adding the attribute characteristics. This will bring the concept into one category and ensure the comparability of this term in the subject areas

Bibliography: Mayorov AN.AL. INFORMATION OBJECTS IN THE INFORMATION FIELD // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 1 (9). – С. 66-73. doi:

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