Author(s): Savinykh Victor Petrovich
Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-79-88
Release: 2017-1 (18)
Pages: 79-88
Keywords: geoinformatics, applied geoinformatics, spatial relationships, information relations, overlay thematic maps, topology, communication
Annotation: The article analyzes the spatial relationship information. The article shows the difference between the ratio and the communication on the example of the topology and geometry. This article describes the set-theoretic relationships as the basis of a formal description of information of spatial relations. The article gives a description of thematic maps showing the spatial relationship information. The article reveals the contents of hierarchical spatial relationships. The article reveals the content of information of spatial relationships in overlay operations
Bibliography: Savinykh VI.PE. INFORMATION SPATIAL RELATIONS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 1 (18). – С. 79-88. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-79-88