Author(s): Mayorov Andrey Alexandrovich

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-2-92-97

Release: 2017-2 (19)

Pages: 92-97

Keywords: applied informatics, communication, information, information influence, the target uncertainty, structural correspondence

Annotation: The article analyzes the information interaction in Applied Geoinformatics. The article shows the difference between awareness and information exposure. The article shows the difference between the impact of information and information interaction. This article describes three types of information exchange. The article describes the content requirements for the information interaction. These requirements include the following characteristics: Target certainty, temporary alignment, structural correspondence, communications line, the cyclical

Bibliography: Mayorov AN.AL. INFORMATION INTERACTION IN APPLIED GEOINFORMATICS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 2 (19). – С. 92-97. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-2-92-97

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