Author(s): Elsukov P.Yu.

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-62-68

Release: 2017-3 (20)

Pages: 62-68

Keywords: information science, information theory, amount of information, knowledge, not knowledge, information uncertainty

Annotation: The article analyzes two types of information. The first kind of information is related to entropy and the work of K. E. Shannon. This information reduces uncertainty. The second type of information is associated with negentropy and the works of N. Winner and L. Floridi. The article describes the difference between the concepts of “ignorance” and “knowledge”. Paper describes an example showing the difference between the amount of information for KE Shannon and N. Winner. The article describes a method for estimating negentropy based on “non-Gaussian”.

Bibliography: Elsukov P.Yu. INFORMATION, REDUCING UNCERTAINTY AND INFORMATION, INCREASING CONTENT // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 3 (20). – С. 62-68. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-62-68

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