Author(s): Kochetov Ernest Georgievich
Rubric: Globalistics
Release: 2014-3 (9)
Pages: 53-67
Keywords: latitudinal geoeconomic zone; Trans-Eurasian Belt “RAZVITIE”; the Great Silk Way; geoeconomical integrator; consolidation of resources; geoeconomical interests’ balance; meridional links; routes of intellectual project administration
Annotation: Orbits, notices an underlying life-affirming trend of economics prevailing over politics. It manifests itself especially noticeably on the global stage. Whatever collisions, contradictions and disagreements accompany our world, the common sense wins! With difficulties, but the process of arrangement of the global world is continually ongoing. And two ambitious geoeconomical projects: Trans-Eurasian Belt “RAZVITIE” and the Great Silk Way fast entering the global stage make a remarkable example. A number of concerns regarding the realization of these projects is considered in the article, including the idea of connecting two parallel projects and directing them to the common path of the united latitudinal zone of the world’s development and prosperity
Bibliography: Kochetov ER.GE. INNOVATIVE ARRANGEMENT OF THE GLOBAL WORLD // Economics and Management. – 2014. – № 3 (9). – С. 53-67. doi: