Author(s): Kuznetsova Aleftina Ivanovna, Dolmatova Anna Vladimirovna

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-3-42-49

Release: 2016-3 (18)

Pages: 42-49

Keywords: housing and utilities; innovation; information base; management; evaluation; indicators

Annotation: The article presents the analysis of the current reality in the modern housing sector of Russia. Selected topical problems of housing, all utilities, applying innovations. Information base of the research is based on the use of materials presented on the Internet on the history of development of system of housing and communal services in Russia, based on the analysis of literature and practice in the housing sector. The study showed that from the perspective of an integrated approach to the management of innovation in the housing sector is is poorly developed, and the approach to the identification of indicators to assess its processes is ambiguous and controversial

Bibliography: Kuznetsova AL.IV., Dolmatova AN.VL. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN SYSTEM UTILITIES // Economics and Management. – 2016. – № 3 (18). – С. 42-49. doi: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-3-42-49

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