Author(s): Kureichik Vladimir Viktorovich, Kureichik Lilia Vladimirovna
Rubric: Information technology
Release: 2015-3 (11)
Pages: 80-88
Keywords: The combined search, the packing bioinspired and heuristic algorithms, bee, ant, algorithms of a cuckoo flight, «wolves’ behavior»
Annotation: Now at the decision of different scientific problems the methods of artificial intelligence connected with the decision of difficult combinatorial and logic problems of packing of various dimension are important. The integrated methods of the local and bioinspired search of the decision of one-dimensional packing prob-lems of the big dimension have been described in this paper. Basic difference of work is that the new archi-tecture of the information processing in the form of «nested doll» and the modified algorithms of packing on the basis of «ant», «bee», «a cuckoo flight» and «wolves’ behavior» algorithms have been offered. It allows creating the combined technologies of search and to adapt this process for environment require-ments. Experimental research has been made. Comparison of the offered algorithms with modern standards has shown the advantages and efficiency of the offered methods
Bibliography: Kureichik VL.VI., Kureichik LI.VL. THE INTEGRATED METHODS OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL PACKING // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 3 (11). – С. 80-88. doi: