Author(s): Vodopyanova E.V.

Rubric: Education for sustainable development

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-3-93-97

Release: 2023-3 (44)

Pages: 93-97

Keywords: sustainable development, “green agenda”, cultural policy, New European Bauhaus, inclusivity

Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of a new conceptual vision of sustainable development, presented as a socio-cultural phenomenon and the subject of interdisciplinary consideration. The purpose of the publication is to identify current trends characterizing the current vision of the movement towards sustainable development in the information age through a non-classical, environmentally oriented view of culture and its translation, including through education. It is established that presently culture as a phenomenon of the artificial in its traditional purpose is expanding towards the “first nature” and biological. This is facilitated by cross-cutting system initiatives introduced into everyday life, for example, the New European Bauhaus. From a worldview point of view, such paradigms lead public consciousness to a total readjustment to the biological dominant in education, as opposed to the artificial/technical priorities established in the last century. It is shown that from an applied point of view, the New European Bauhaus contributes to the formation of an ecological style/lifestyle. It is revealed that in the paradigm of sustainable development, the unity of education and culture acquires new facets in response to the challenges of the era. The obtained results provide an opportunity for an original interpretation of the significance of feedbacks between the European green course and education at all levels.

Bibliography: Vodopyanova E.V. TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH EDUCATION AND CULTURE: THE CASE OF A NEW EUROPEAN BAUHAUS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2023. – № 3 (44). – С. 93-97. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-3-93-97

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