Author(s): Kureichik Vladimir Viktorovich, Bova Victoria Viktorovna, Kureichik Vladimir Vladimirovich

Rubric: Information technology

Release: 2014-2 (5)

Pages: 90-94

Keywords: combined search, design, evolutionary computation

Annotation: The paper investigates the multipurpose search in the design based on the approaches inspired by the natural systems. Innovative and modified search architecture containing multilevel evolution is suggested in the given paper. So the decision process is parallelized and the problem of the algorithm preliminary convergence is partly eliminated. The fundamental difference of the suggested method is the division of the search process into two stages and various algorithms for each of them. Tests and experiments show the application perspectiveness for the developed ar-chitectures. The time complexity of algorithms is O(nlogn) in the best case and О(n3) in the worst case.

Bibliography: Kureichik VL.VI., Bova VI.VI., Kureichik VL.VL. COMBINED SEARCH IN VLSI DESIGN // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2014. – № 2 (5). – С. 90-94. doi:

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