Author(s): Niyazbekova S.U., Bunevich K.G.
Rubric: Domestic and foreign trade
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-3-50-56
Release: 2020-3 (34)
Pages: 50-56
Keywords: Denmark, public debt, financial sector, inflation, productivity, production volumes
Annotation: This article examines the development of the Danish economy, which is clearly working well. Growth was at its fastest in a decade last year, and the output gap seemed to narrow for the first time since the global financial crisis. The labor market has strengthened, and opportunities are being constrained in the financial sectors. Wage growth is consistent with productivity while inflation remains subdued. The financial situation continues to improve, and the public debt remains stable. This article contains figures and tables for several years. Key financial vulnerabilities include high levels of household debt amid high property valuations after a long period of weak financial conditions. There were also signs of risk in some sectors, such as commercial real estate, Taxation in Denmark is based on tax obligations under domestic law as an ordinary tax resident or non-resident. Denmark’s financial protection system and crisis management system, including Bank rehabilitation, have improved significantly.
Bibliography: Niyazbekova S.U., Bunevich K.G. DENMARK FINANCIAL SECTOR OVERVIEW // Economics and Management. – 2020. – № 3 (34). – С. 50-56. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-3-50-56