Author(s): Chebashkina Galina Anatolievna

Rubric: Management

Release: 2014-2 (8)

Pages: 112-121

Keywords: the concept of crisis, crises in social and economic development what crises exist, properly to belong to crises: to be afraid, fight, welcome or to resolve, what tendencies of development reflect crisis, opportunity to operate crisis situations

Annotation: What is the crisis, and also its structural component area of research which still is a subject of the scientific analysis. Then it becomes clear that crisis is characterized by a set of the interconnected situations increasing complexity and risk of management. Further about it in article

Bibliography: Chebashkina GA.AN. CRISES IN TENDENCIES OF ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT // Economics and Management. – 2014. – № 2 (8). – С. 112-121. doi:

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