Author(s): Timoshchuk A.S.

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-85-91

Release: 2021-1 (34)

Pages: 85-91

Keywords: digital society, information society, post-post-industrial society, hybridization, new normality, VUCA-world

Annotation: Many thinkers have tried to prove that we live in a simple world, yet man complicates it, but this is not the case. The world is complex independently of us. Firstly, there is a plethora of objects in the world, secondly, it is constantly changing and, thirdly, it is heterogeneous. Plurality, versatility and heterogeneity are already sufficient qualities to recognize the complexity of the world. Micro, macro and mega levels are challenging from the Big Bang itself. If we take social reality, then here we also observe a complication associated with the increase in the number of homo sapience on Earth. As demographic indicators grow, the level of competition increases, sustainable objects become hybrids, verity becomes post-truth, and the state of society becomes chaosmos. Purpose of the work: to present a methodology of complexity in a new technological order. Applied research methods: structural analysis, system analysis, factor analysis, synergetics. As a result of the conducted research, the following Results were obtained: 1) speed is considered as a factor of complexity; 2) the cognitive conditions of complexity are considered; 3) the adaptive capabilities of society to complexity are conceptualized as a new normality, representing the convergence of modern social processes while preserving identities and boundaries of interpretation.

Bibliography: Timoshchuk A.S. COMPLEXITY METHODOLOGY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2021. – № 1 (34). – С. 85-91. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-1-85-91

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