Author(s): Bezgubova Yulia Olegovna
Rubric: Information technology
Release: 2015-1 (9)
Pages: 113-119
Keywords: information, information systems, distributed information systems, agent, multi-agent system, management, information flows
Annotation: This article describes the multiagent management of distributed information flows as a new universal control method. This article describes the features of distributed information systems. Article explains the features of agent-based systems. Article introduces the concept of an infor-mation agent. Article shows that the multi-agent system is constructed as a system of agents engaged in information interaction. Article shows syntagmatic, paradigmatic, hierarchical and subsidiarity in connection multiagent system. Article provides a formalized expression of the multi-technology modeling of information flows. Article shows the advantages arising from the development and application of systems multagent.
Bibliography: Bezgubova YU.OL. MULTI-AGENT CONTROL DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION FLOWS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 1 (9). – С. 113-119. doi: