Author(s): Suleimenov Ibragim Esenovich, Nurtazin Anuar Abayevich, Suleimenova Raushan Nurgalievna, Gabrielyan Oleg Arshavirovich, Tasbulatova Zarina Sarsembaevna
Rubric: Educational environment
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-2-44-50
Release: 2017-2 (19)
Pages: 44-50
Keywords: education innovation, innovative resistance, investment in education
Annotation: It is shown that for the knowledge economy development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to advance informal institutions that are oriented towards non-monetary forms of ensuring the increased social status of innovators.
Bibliography: Suleimenov IB.ES., Nurtazin AN.AB., Suleimenova RA.NU., Gabrielyan OL.AR., Tasbulatova ZA.SA. NON-MONETARY MOTIVATION OF INNOVATION PERFORMANCE // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 2 (19). – С. 44-50. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-2-44-50