Author(s): Friesen I.A.

Rubric: Issues of theory and history of law

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2024-1-5-11

Release: 2024-1 (41)

Pages: 5-11

Keywords: legal culture, legal culture of society, legal culture of the individual, legal nihilism, legal idealism

Annotation: The article analyzes the state of the legal culture of the Russian Federation in the modern period. It also dis- cusses the main terminological features related to the definition of the concept of legal culture and the structural elements included in it. In addition, the problems associated with the insufficiently high level of legal culture among citizens of the Russian Federation in modern realities are identified and analyzed. The data of sociological surveys of young people about public institutions that have the most influence on the growth of the legal culture of society are presented. The article emphasizes that in the processes of interaction between the state and soci- ety, the modernization of the legal policy of the state – the use of information technologies – contributes to the improvement of the level of legal culture of the Russian population. Such an “electronic State” extends not only to the sphere of public administration, but also covers public relations. Further in the article the current state of the legal culture of the Russian population are revealed, and ways to solve the problem of not having a sufficient level of its development are identified. Based on the conducted work, a conclusion was also made that charac- terizes the relevance and importance of improving the legal culture for the further development of the country.

Bibliography: Friesen I.A. ON THE LEGAL CULTURE IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2024. – № 1 (41). – С. 5-11. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2024-1-5-11

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