Author(s): Romashenko N.I.

Rubric: Rostrum of the young scientist

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2022-2.1-51-56

Release: 2022-2.1 (33)

Pages: 51-56

Keywords: lawmaking, rule-making inflation, novelization, normative array, statutory documents, charter, normative acts, local acts, sources of law

Annotation: The study object of this article is the burden on the legislature of Russia, and the subject of research is to find the way to reduce it. The purpose of the work is to consider the statutory instruments of corporate bodies as the source of law, in order to cope with the burden on the legislature of Russia. The following basic methods were applied in order to achieve this goal: statistical analysis and comparative law analysis. The statistics from official government resources have been used for the analysis, the opinions of various scientists on specific problems and related issues have been studied. The result of the research shows that there is a tendency to constantly increase the amount laws and a constant novelization of legislation also exists. Furthermore, in the course of the study, a negative reaction of society to the phenomena mentioned above has been revealed. Recognition of statutory documents of legal entities as normative legal can be considered as a way to solve the problem. The proposed method will in theory give a number of positive consequences, such as the promotion of the trend of self-regulation of organizations. As a consequence it will give a more trusting relationship between legal entities and legislative and judicial authorities. As a result of the research, it can be considered that the proposed idea deserves more detailed consideration and further development.

Bibliography: Romashenko N.I. ON THE WAY TO REDUCE THE BURDEN ON THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF RUSSIA // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2022. – № 2.1 (33). – С. 51-56. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2022-2.1-51-56

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