Author(s): Gladkov Sergei Lvovich

Rubric: Information technology

Release: 2015-2 (10)

Pages: 63-70

Keywords: Predicates databases; Model databases; Conceptual data model; The semantics of the da-tabase; Ontology

Annotation: The concept of the model in the predicate calculus [15] includes a pair: the predicate (propositional function [6]) and set as an interpretation of the predicate. From this point of view, the database is an interpretation of predicates that are not explicitly specified. At the same time, the explicit inclusion of the predicate in the description of the database models useful for solving a large range of practical tasks. This paper studies the features of the predicates that should be added to the traditional description of the database models

Bibliography: Gladkov SE.LV. ON THE REQUIREMENTS FOR INTELLIGENT DATA MODEL // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 2 (10). – С. 63-70. doi:

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