Author(s): Tsvetkov Viktor Yakovlevich, Chekharin Evgeniy Evgen’evich
Rubric: Methodological research
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-71-79
Release: 2017-1 (18)
Pages: 71-79
Keywords: information analysis, analysis of the opposition, the opposition variables Trinitarian system preferences, algorithm, information technology
Annotation: The article reveals the contents of a large-scale analysis of the opposition. This article describes the trinitarian analysis system. The article describes the use of methods of the theory of opportunities for processing fuzzy data. This article describes the feasibility of using Likert scale and Rasch model to gather information. This article describes the information model of paired comparisons, which is the basis of the algorithm of data information into a single ranking system
Bibliography: Tsvetkov VI.YA., Chekharin EV.EV. OPPOSITION SCALE ANALYSIS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 1 (18). – С. 71-79. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2017-1-71-79