Retraction date: 20.05.2022

Cause of retraction: Duplicate publication.

More information about the causes of retraction: Ретракция оформлена по решению редакции в связи с обнаружением дублирующей публикации: Шибаршина, О. Ю. Особенности государственного стимулирования инновационной деятельности в России / О.Ю. Шибаршина // The Scientific Heritage. – 2021. – № 74-4(74). – С. 34-40. – DOI 10.24412/9215-0365-2021-74-4-34-40. – EDN KWJRBE. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46570521

Author(s): Afanasyeva Yu.S.

Rubric: Economy

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2021-3-30-38

Release: 2021-3 (38)

Pages: 30-38

Keywords: innovation, innovation activity, innovation strategy, digitalization, competitiveness, company development

Annotation: Within the framework of this study, financial problems and insufficient government support are attributed to the main obstacles to the innovative development of Russian companies. The listed problems directly affect the development and implementation of an innovative strategy. The object of the research is the innovative activity of modern companies in the context of the digitalization of the economy. The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the features of state incentives for innovation in Russia, suggesting the interconnection of three components: innovation activity, innovation potential and innovation strategies. The assessment of the current state of innovation activity of Russian companies is given. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in the characteristics of state incentives for innovation in Russia is carried out. Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the innovation fund as an institutional unit can potentially become the material basis of the innovative development management system at enterprises and organizations. At the same time, their creation at the regional level is relevant, since most enterprises in the regions, especially small and medium-sized ones, are now unable to accumulate funds for active innovative development and implementation of an innovative strategy.

Bibliography: Afanasyeva Yu.S. FEATURES OF STATE STIMULATION OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES IN RUSSIA // Economics and Management. – 2021. – № 3 (38). – С. 30-38. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2021-3-30-38

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