Author(s): Gospodinov S.G.

Rubric: Information technology

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-62-69

Release: 2023-4 (45)

Pages: 62-69

Keywords: cascade modeling, information cascade, information diffusion, communication processes, content

Annotation: The article investigates the features of information cascade modeling of information transmission processes in communication systems. The key and distinctive features of the design cascade model and the information cascade model of network processes are highlighted. It is shown that information cascade modeling reflects the integrative process of data transmission as a commutation of information and communication processes. The information cascade in the network environment is considered as a result of the synergistic action of information flows. The dif- ference between the information cascade of the social environment and the technical communication environment is shown. It is noted that the cascade in the social environment is an effort of information influence of agents on consumers. The information cascade in the technical communication environment is considered as a dynamic hier- archy of transmitted content, which has the property of emergence. It is shown that the information cascade model makes it possible to create a tool for studying such factors as information diffusion and the forming of an informa- tion cascade in communication systems. The highlighted features of information cascade modeling of information transmission processes in communication systems provide an expanded understanding of the subject of research in the creation of network systems and technologies and lead to a clarification of the concept of their development.

Bibliography: Gospodinov S.G. THE FEATURES OF INFORMATION CASCADE MODELING OF THE COMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENT // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2023. – № 4 (45). – С. 62-69. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-4-62-69

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