Author(s): Golovchanskaya E.E.
Rubric: Economy
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2024-1-7-13
Release: 2024-1 (48)
Pages: 7-13
Keywords: national innovation system, intellectual activity, technological sovereignty, national mentality, development
Annotation: The study examines the specifics of the National Innovation System (NIS) of the Russian Federation. The author emphasizes that in modern conditions of sanctions pressure, the NIS of a country determines technological sov- ereignty. The rationale for the relevance of the topic is provided, which is based on statistical data. Based on the analysis of indicators (innovation activity, index of inventive activity), negative trends in innovation activity are identified. The variety of approaches to the definition of the concept of “NIS” is characterized. The influence of all these approaches on the development of the NIS of the Russian Federation is stated. The conclusion is made about the importance of the “national” specifics of NIS. According to the author, the specific features of the na- tion (mentality) significantly complement the factors that determine the intellectual activity of personnel in the innovation system and, as a result, the intellectual activity of NIS, which ensures the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation. The modern features of NIS are highlighted: acceleration of STP, structural reconstruc- tion, intellectualization of personnel, humanization of management. The importance of the spiritual and moral essence of innovation reproduction as a modern specificity of the intellectual activity of NIS is emphasized. A new interpretation of the definition of “NIS” is proposed. The author’s conclusions collectively contribute to the systematization of research activities, the definition of a new emphasis on the development of effective manage- ment solutions in order to ensure the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
Bibliography: Golovchanskaya E.E. FEATURES OF THE NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM IN TERMS OF ENSURING TECHNOLOGICAL SOVEREIGNTY // Economics and Management. – 2024. – № 1 (48). – С. 7-13. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2024-1-7-13