Author(s): Povarova Elizaveta Sergeevna

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-98-102

Release: 2018-3 (26)

Pages: 98-102

Keywords: wage fund, rewards, analytical procedure, the risk, distortion

Annotation: In a market economy, the development of technological industries, increasing the number of organizations providing services, increases the importance of labor resources in the organization. Currently, bonuses are one of the items of expenditure in the calculation with the personnel on payment. Accrual of bonuses is one of the ways of material incentives for employees. At the same time, regardless of the industry of the organization, the value of labor resources in the organization is not the last in the list of the importance of types of resources. The importance of qualitative indicators of the workforce is difficult to assess. At the same time, often the determination of the cost evaluation of employees ‘ performance is carried out with the use of bonuses on the results of work for the month, quarter or year. Thus, in those areas of operation of the organization, in which the result of the work of employees of the organization directly depends on the financial result of the organization as a whole, the company uses a premium system of remuneration. It is especially important to use this system of remuneration in sales and industries in which the creative and intellectual potential of employees is directly involved (for example, in the field of design, information technology, advertising agencies) [2]. In this regard, during the audit of settlements with the personnel on remuneration, the auditor pays special attention to the audit of bonus accruals: the process of approval of the calculation method, the method of calculation of premiums, indicators that are the basis for the calculation of premiums, positions for which the accrual of premiums in the organization is provided. To assess these indicators, the auditor may use analytical procedures [1]. The article describes the analytical procedures that the auditor can use when checking the calculation of premiums by the audited entity as additional procedures used in the audit process to assess and identify the risks of material misstatement in the calculations with the personnel on remuneration.

Bibliography: Povarova EL.SE. FEATURES OF APPLICATION OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES DURING AN AUDIT OF CALCULATIONS WITH THE PERSONNEL ON PAYMENT // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 3 (26). – С. 98-102. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-98-102

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