Author(s): Korchagin R.L.

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-1-99-107

Release: 2023-1 (44)

Pages: 99-107

Keywords: management decisions, technology entrepreneurs, questionnaire survey, information support, digital technologies

Annotation: Technological entrepreneurship is essential for the development of the country, ensuring technological sovereignty and import surpass. This requires the adoption of sound management decisions by technological entrepreneurs. There are a large number of scientifically based and empirical approaches, decision-making methods, but little has been studied how managerial decisions are made by technology entrepreneurs in practice. The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey of technology entrepreneurs about the features of their decisionmaking. It is noted that they have a fairly high level of awareness in the theory and methods of decision-making, but in practice they use the simplest techniques. Information support for decision-making is also limited to the most accessible free sources. It is concluded that within the framework of acceleration programs, it is necessary to train potential technology entrepreneurs to justify decisions more fully and efficiently (taking into account the specifics of their activities). The conducted research of technological entrepreneurs showed a shortage of competencies and resources in the field of managerial decision-making.

Bibliography: Korchagin R.L. FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT DECISION-MAKING BY TECHNOLOGICAL ENTREPRENEURS // Economics and Management. – 2023. – № 1 (44). – С. 99-107. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-1-99-107

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