Author(s): Kolontaevskaya Irina Fedorovna

Rubric: Civil, business and contract law

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-1-73-79

Release: 2019-1 (19)

Pages: 73-79

Keywords: corporate legal relations, corporate commercial and non-profit organizations, property and personal non-property relations, organizational relations

Annotation: The article discusses the main points of view on the nature and essence of corporate legal relations, reveals their place in the system of civil law regulation of public relations, identifies features and specifics of corporate legal relations, gives examples of various groups of corporate relations arising in the process of creation, activity and termination of commercial and non-commercial corporate organizations. Attention is drawn to the fact that the norm of Article 65.2. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which enshrines the rights and obligations of the participants of the corporation, does not distinguish between commercial and non-profit corporate organizations. Accordingly, the unified approaches proposed by the legislator to regulate relations that take shape within corporations do not take into account the differences in their creation and the legal status of their participants, which inevitably leads to contradictions in the legal regulation of this sphere of relations. At the same time, it is concluded that changes and additions to civil legislation on legal entities that gave participants of corporate organizations the rights and obligations towards the corporation itself (Chapter 9.1 “Decisions of meetings” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) significantly enriched the internal legal regulation of corporate entities.

Bibliography: Kolontaevskaya IR.FE. CONCEPT, NATURE, ESSENCE AND FEATURES CORPORATE RELATIONS // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2019. – № 1 (19). – С. 73-79. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-1-73-79

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