Author(s): Dyshchko Sergey Gennadievich, Tsvetkov Viktor Yakovlevich

Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics

DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-130-138

Release: 2016-4 (16)

Pages: 130-138

Keywords: Applied geoinformatics, digital simulation, the electronic map, digital model, a three-dimensional map, information units, the information situation, the three-dimensional information units, local information base, virtual map

Annotation: The article describes the methodology and technology to build three-dimensional maps. As the bases used multimedia technology of virtual reality. As an information methodology used method information items and information of the situation. With regard to the method of three-dimensional map information items is transformed into a method of three-dimensional information units. With regard to the three-dimensional map information situation method is transformed into a method of three-dimensional information of the situation. Article introduces new concepts: local information basis, the standard three-dimensional information unit, a virtual card. This article describes the differences between the three-dimensional digital model of the card and, between the digital map and electronic map

Bibliography: Dyshchko SE.GE., Tsvetkov VI.YA. CONSTRUCTION OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL MAPS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 4 (16). – С. 130-138. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-130-138

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