Author(s): Timonina Irina Vladimirovna

Rubric: Constitutional and municipal law

Release: 2015-2 (7)

Pages: 3-6

Keywords: legal education, legal schooling, legal literacy, population, reformation, protection of rights and freedoms, legal awareness

Annotation: The article considers the problem of legal education and legal awareness of the population in the Russian Federation, citizens. The author discusses the issues concerning the necessity of increase of level of legal culture; the reformation of the state policy in the field of improving the legal culture of the population. The most important directions of improvement of legal literacy of the population is the education of citizens of Russia on the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; carrying out state policy in the field of providing citizens with free legal help. The author notes that the great importance in the legal education of the population have the media and the effectiveness of legal advocacy, informing citizens about the changes in legislation

Bibliography: Timonina IR.VL. LEGAL EDUCATION OF CITIZENS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2015. – № 2 (7). – С. 3-6. doi:

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