Author(s): Kupriyanov Andrey Olegovich, Tsvetkov Viktor Yakovlevich

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-135-144

Release: 2016-1 (13)

Pages: 135-144

Keywords: applied computer science, global navigation satellite systems, the information situation, coordinate measuring

Annotation: This article describes the features of the use of global navigation satellite systems in applied geoinformatics. The article argues that global navigation satellite systems create an artificial information field. This information field is the basis of measurements of coordinates. The article describes the concept and the technical principles of this system. This article describes a number of factors that influence the positioning accuracy. The article proves the necessity of an experimental study of the influence of factors on the accuracy of positioning. The article describes the results of an experimen.

Bibliography: Kupriyanov AN.OL., Tsvetkov VI.YA. USE GNSS IN APLAID GEOINFORMATICS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 1 (13). – С. 135-144. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2016-1-135-144

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