Author(s): Mindzaev Marat Aydarukovich
Rubric: Constitutional and municipal law
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-4-35-38
Release: 2019-4 (22)
Pages: 35-38
Keywords: legal technique, teaching students, interpretation of laws, analysis of the legal requirement, analysis of the law, subject of law, actions, terms, forms, algorithm, scope of regulation
Annotation: Understanding the meaning of a particular legal norm, and even more so, the normative act as a whole, it can be a serious problem for students and practicing lawyers. How to correctly use philological, teleological, historical and political interpretation when understanding a particular legal prescription is illustrated by an example articles of the Code of administrative offences of the Russian Federation. It is much more difficult to comprehend the whole normative act, especially if the task is not just to remember it, but to understand what goals the legislator set for himself (I mean the mission of the act). It is necessary to understand whether there are hidden defects in the relations of this act with previously adopted ones, whether there are gaps in the procedure for implementing the act, whether there are incentives for law enforcement. This article describes ways to overcome typical problems on the example of a number of Russian laws.
Bibliography: Mindzaev MA.AY. PROBLEMS OF TRAINING LAW-STUDENTS THE TECHNIQUE OF REGULATIONS ANALYSIS // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2019. – № 4 (22). – С. 35-38. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-4-35-38