Author(s): Alyamkina E.A.

Rubric: Methods and technologies of training and education

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2018-2-19-25

Release: 2018-2 (23)

Pages: 19-25

Keywords: ethnic group, national character, ethnostereotype, national self-consciousness, projecting

Annotation: The article views historic premises and present-day peculiarities of projecting national characters in ethnopsychology. It finds specificity and ways of studying national self-consciousness and ethno-stereotypes on this basis. It emphasizes prospectiveness of this method of studying ethnic groups and its being used as methodological base for a number of interdisciplinary spheres focusing on intercultural and international relationships. Interdisciplinary relations in the spectrum of issues of national character and ethnostereotypes are shown as well.

Bibliography: Alyamkina E.A. PROJECTING NATIONAL CHARACTERS IN ETHNO-PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCHES // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2018. – № 2 (23). – С. 19-25. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2018-2-19-25

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