Author(s): Vasyutinskaya Stanislava Igorevna

Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics

Release: 2015-4 (12)

Pages: 91-96

Keywords: applied geoinformatics, cadastre, spatial relationships, information models, hierarchical relationships

Annotation: The article analyzes the spatial relationship as the spatial and economic factors. The article shows the role of Geoinformatics to identify and describe spatial relationships. This article describes the features of the application of spatial relations in the inventory. This article describes an example of formalization of spatial relations. The article shows that the formalization of spatial relationships helps automate and intelligent processing of inventory information

Bibliography: Vasyutinskaya ST.IG. SPATIAL RELATIONS IN INVENTORIES // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 4 (12). – С. 91-96. doi:

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