Author(s): Tsvetkov Viktor Yakovlevich
Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-95-102
Release: 2016-5 (17)
Pages: 95-102
Keywords: applied geoinformatics, complex system, the Trinitarian system, spatial analysis, spatial analysis of the Trinitarian, triad, dyad, the Delaunay partition
Annotation: This article describes the spatial analysis of Trinitarian. The article argues that the basis of the analysis is a Trinitarian Trinitarian system. This article describes the two analyzes trends based on the decomposition of complex systems on the trinitarian and the creation of complex systems based on the trinitarian. The article shows that the trinitarian system more general concept compared with the triangle. The article proves that the trinitarian system are spatial simplex. The article shows that the trinitarian system is non-linear and therefore not always be reduced to linear dyadic system. The article displays two features Trinitarian systems
Bibliography: Tsvetkov VI.YA. SPATIAL TRINITARIAN ANALYSIS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 5 (17). – С. 95-102. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-5-95-102