Author(s): Kuksin Ivan Nikolaevich, Selyukov Anatoly Dmitrievich
Rubric: Constitutional and municipal law
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-2-14-21
Release: 2018-2 (15)
Pages: 14-21
Keywords: 100 years of the great October revolution; equality of all before the law; equality of all before the court; justice
Annotation: The article analyzes the influence of the great October revolution, which predetermined a fundamental change in the historical course of development not only in Russia and Europe, but in General and around the world. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the development of Russian modern society in market relations. The authors come to the conclusion that the society has failed to fully implement such overriding principles as the equality of all before the law and before the court concerning the rights of man and citizen, unable to optimally implement the idea of justice. The authors, without idealizing socialism as a form of social system, still see it as a lot of positive for the society, which gave a significant impetus to economic growth and the formation of a healthy and moral society in General, including raised many millions from the level of poverty to the average, or at least a comfortable level. The article shows the difficulties that modern Russian society is experiencing in the conditions of market relations development.
Bibliography: Kuksin IV.NI., Selyukov AN.DM. ACHIEVING JUSTICE IN THE RUSSIAN SOCIETY: SOCIO-LEGAL ASPECTS // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2018. – № 2 (15). – С. 14-21. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2018-2-14-21