Author(s): Matchin V.T., Plotnikov S.B., Tsvetkov V.Ya.

Rubric: Information technology

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-62-72

Release: 2020-4 (33)

Pages: 62-72

Keywords: information resources, high-load applications, macromedia systems, reengineering, databases, quality of information resources

Annotation: The article deals with the issues related to the study and ordering of modern methods and means of working with information educational resources. These resources are databases and knowledge bases combined with highly loaded applications and intensified macromedia systems. The article reveals the content of high-load applications and the reasons for the appearance of high load in database and information system applications. The issues of intensifying work with databases in integrated systems are investigated. The causal relationships and relationships in these systems are investigated. Suggestions for improving the efficiency of high-load applications due to their scalability and interoperability are given. For integrated application load reduction, we offer a comprehensive solution based on a systematic approach and accounting for data quality, software quality, and technology quality in a single system. The results obtained are of interest for the engineering and reengineering of databases and information systems, in particular, in the implementation of database regeneration and software regeneration of information systems.

Bibliography: Matchin V.T., Plotnikov S.B., Tsvetkov V.Ya. WORKING WITH INFORMATION RESOURCES IN HIGH-LOAD APPLICATIONS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2020. – № 4 (33). – С. 62-72. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-62-72

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