Author(s): Yuzbekov M.A., Yuzbekov A.K.
Rubric: Economics of sustainable development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-2-40-48
Release: 2023-2 (45)
Pages: 40-48
Keywords: air pollution, health, quality of life, damage, payments, costs, environmental policy
Annotation: The article is devoted to the development of methods for solving environmental problems in the regions of Russia. The object of the study is the instruments of environmental regulation of industrial activity. The research methods were statistical-economic, abstract-logical and system analysis. Basing on the research results, an algorithm for the development of economic instruments of environmental regulation of five stages is proposed: analysis of the impact of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by industrial production on the quality of ambient air; assessment of the cost indicators of environmental protection activities (economic damage from atmospheric pollution, environmental costs and pollution charges); identification of problems of economic regulation of the effects of industrial activities on the environment; economic assessment of the impact of polluted ambient air on the health of the population, including the costs of providing medical care and compensation for people’s disability, loss of gross regional product; recommendations for improving economic instruments of environmental regulation. New approaches to the implementation of regional environmental policy have been developed by taking into account the influence of the environmental factor on the quality of life of the population.
Bibliography: Yuzbekov M.A., Yuzbekov A.K. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM // Economics and Management. – 2023. – № 2 (45). – С. 40-48. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-2-40-48