Author(s): Elena Kostromina Alexandrovna
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-1-30-34
Release: 2019-1 (26)
Pages: 30-34
Keywords: competence, competence approach, marketing, teaching methods, forms of training
Annotation: The article is devoted to the topical for the modern system of higher professional education issue – the competence approach in the implementation of educational programs, in particular in the teaching of individual disciplines. For the information society of the 21st century, a student’s mastery of the amount of diverse knowledge seems to be insufficient; therefore, a considerable amount of creativity is added to the teaching of disciplines, which makes it possible to form competences related to the ability to generate new ideas and think creatively. The article focuses on specific forms and methods of training that form the general professional and professional competences envisaged by the curriculum for the discipline “Marketing”, such as developing the ability to analyze the relationship between functional strategies of companies, analyze the behavior of consumers of economic benefits and the formation of demand based on knowledge of economic fundamentals of behavior organizations, market structures and competitive environment of the industry. The author draws his conclusions not only on the research of modern scientists, but also on his own many years of experience.
Bibliography: Elena KO.AL. IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPETENCE APPROACH IN TEACHING THE DISCIPLINE «MARKETING» AT THE UNIVERSITY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2019. – № 1 (26). – С. 30-34. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-1-30-34