Author(s): Safronova Yulia Vladimirovna

Rubric: Management

Release: 2013-4 (6)

Pages: 41-43

Keywords: milk, forage base, dairy industry, ways of realization, national food security, state support

Annotation: The development of milk branch is closely connected with the raw materials base. The main reason for underutilization of available capacities is the lack of raw materials. The state support measures through the realization of major national project “Development of AIC” for stabilization of the situation in milk cattle breeding were taken. The necessity of ensuring national security sets up important tasks in the production development of domestic dairy production

Bibliography: Safronova YU.VL. MARKET OF MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS // Economics and Management. – 2013. – № 4 (6). – С. 41-43. doi:

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